Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hey Have You Seen That New Avatar Trailer?

Well hello James Cameron. I want to thank you for joining us back here on the surface and no longer making documentaries about the Titanic. Can you believe that the last movie James Cameron directed was Titanic? That feels like it came out way back in 1997 because....well it came out way back in 1997. After 12 years Cameron is back with the long awaited ridiculously anticipated Avatar. Expectations are through the nerd-roof with this one partly because it's James Cameron and him not making a movie since the aforementioned (ooooh I used the word aforementioned today!) Titanic. Also much has been said, from Cameron himself at times, about the groundbreaking 3D technology we are going to be seeing in the movie. Well the trailer is out and what do I think?
I can't comment on the 3D aspect because the trailer isn't in 3D, but the visuals in this movie? Worrrrd. They are ridiculous. The landscapes, the Na'vi creatures, (those are the Blue aliens we see for all you nerds who haven't been following the pre-production of this movie and yes I did adjust my glasses as I wrote that), the Mech suits (similar to those seen in the Matrix Revolutions and thank you will I adjust my glasses again), the battles in the sky between the Na'vi and those military future-copters (also similar to those seen in The Incredibles and for the final Tri-force of Power I will just lower my glasses slightly and peer at you).
I am interested in seeing Cameron's vision of the military in the future. Movies are still ripping off today what he did with his vision of the military from Aliens. If we get anyone like Hudson or Hicks, (hell I'll even take Carter Burke!) here then Cameron could be crowned King yet again. Oh and did I mention Sigourney Weaver is in this? Lord. A. Mercy. You know what the more I'm writing this the more I'm believing that this movie is going to be great. Avatar arrives in theaters on December 18th. You can see the trailer at Apple by clicking here.


Anonymous Greg Delaney said...

I hope Avatar ends up living up to all the hype

November 11, 2009 at 11:11 PM  

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