Wednesday, May 26, 2010

LOST Is Questioned.

Somehow people have put it in their heads that if you tell them you saw the LOST finale that's an open invitation for them to then tell you:

A) They loved it.
B) They hated it.
C) No Ricky I didn't dress up as Kate to watch it.

Now say what you will about the episode, dressing up as Kate ranks right up there when I dressed up as Kirstie Alley for the final episode of Cheers. And I had the outfit first Evangeline.

Looking back, I think about the finale of LOST the same way I think about sex, "It's over now. Let's move on. Why can't I stop crying?" It's no coincidence that the last thought is a question. LOST was about questions. Some were answered. Others were not. Here's a pretty solid list of questions that were not answered as asked by College Humor's Jeff Rubin.

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